Dear Parents/Guardians,Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten! Your child’s first year in school is an important one. Pre-Kindergarten should be a happy transition between home and school. A new world is openingwhere there are new friends, new experiences, challenges, and the delightful sense of growing up with other children.Pre-Kindergarten gives your child a chance to become ready for the school experience. The program aims to help your child feel good about himself/herself, to learn how to live and get along with others, and to learn and grow at his or her own rate in a relaxed environment where there is a professional staff that cares.
More detailed information concerning the Pre-Kindergarten program can be gained through attendance at Pre-Kindergarten Orientation or through a personal conference with your child’s teacher. Open lines of communication between home and school are necessary to provide a good educational program for your child. Your personal involvement in your child’s education is oneof the most important contributions you can make.Please feel free to call with any questions.